Duc In Altum
As I was entering the campus one day, I can’t imagine that I’m already in my junior year of Nursing. Everything still seems surreal for me. Memories of yester years are still fresh in my mind. I could still hear the Graduation March and see myself walking down the red carpet in harmony with its rhythm, during my High School Graduation. Everything seems to be a great dream which I don’t want to wake from. I could still remember the excitement I felt as I first laid foot at AUF, bewildered with the peaceful and calming atmosphere on the campus grounds, atoned by the buzzing groups of students seated on the benches like warrior ants guarding their food, and as I look above a great roster of names they seemed to greet me as I enter. Those were the days where life seems to be much easier and worrisome, but as years pass by I’ve came across lots of bumps and pit stops like the grueling “minor subjects feeling major ones,” the dreadful RLE oral defense sessions, the mind boggling Anatomy and Physiology and now the cerebral aneurysm forming NCM 102 and thesis. Time, truly flies so fast, as I reflect the past years I realized that not most of it was fun, not most of it was gimmicks or parties but most of it were struggles and challenges which helped improved who and what I am now. I had met lots of friends who came and gone, failed quizzes and buzzer beating submission of requirements, but still I’m here standing and taking action.
As I reminisce the past I remember a great mentor who had once taught me the importance of facing challenges and taking risks. He shared to me the immortal phrase, which up to now lingers in my mind, “Duc In Altum” or in English “Put out into the deep.” The phrase is synonymous to challenges or taking risks, facing struggles without fear and doubt. The phrase is taken from a biblical passage found in the book of Luke 5:4, the passage reads, “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” The phrase “Duc In Altum” teaches us to take risks at everything we do, even though we may not be sure of the outcome, for we may not know what it may bring not until we have done it. Taking risks may be perilous but how could we achieve our dreams and ideals without conquering our fears, facing challenges and taking action. If we dream of being successful nurses in the future, we must take action NOW; treat each struggle as a challenge for us to conquer in ultimately attaining our goals. Sitting around and relaxing wouldn’t do anything, we must stand up and do something. Words alone or even taking things for granted wouldn’t do well; it would be like shouting in a cave and waiting for the echo. Thoughts, words and actions kept to self would just remain in the individual but when all are put together, created for a common cause wanted change and success is possible.
In a few months time, I and my fellow batch mates would be in our last year of Nursing, we may think that this is the end of all our pains and sufferings to pass this course. Struggles either doesn’t end upon us receiving our diplomas or taking the Board Examination, but being a Registered Nurse is just the start of greater trials and risks we have to endure, for now in our caring hands lies the life of others. So, stand up. Take action, for the world is a vast plain waiting for us! Duc In Altum KADAKE 2007!